

Transition to the Cloud with Microsoft’s Deployment Checklist

Businesses rely on cloud transformation for the stability and agility it offers to their operations. Microsoft 365 enables this transformation by realizing modern work environments where users are productive and secure while working from anywhere. Review the infographic and get started today with this 5-step deployment checklist. Learn how you can rapidly deploy Teams, secure access, provide employees with top-notch support, and then contact…

Tips for Secure Collaboration

These days, collaboration means cloud services, and that means paying attention to security, especially if you’re exchanging sensitive or confidential information. Look for a cloud services provider that has put a lot of thought into thinking about security and compliance. Click here for an 8-point checklist about ensuring secure collaboration and file sharing — check it out before you start your…

Low Visibility is a Cloud Security Hazard

If you want to protect your data in the cloud, you need to be able to see exactly who’s using it and how. But many companies can’t, according to a new report on cloud security. And that’s a problem. Look at these statistics: • 59% of respondents reported security incidents related to unwanted external sharing (for example, sharing a Google…

The First Step to Cloud Data Privacy

If the cloud’s efficiency and economies of scale appeal to you, but security concerns you, do your due diligence. Review the terms and conditions offered by every vendor for every service you’re considering. Read the fine print. Then dig deeper with detailed questions about security, privacy, and data management, as recommended by Intel’s CTO for cloud and security as a…

Don’t Let Your Cybersecurity Blow Away in the Cloud

Whether you use only one application in the cloud or you’ve shifted your entire infrastructure there, your security needs to cover your entire infrastructure — public, private, cloud-based, and traditional. But as companies mix on-site data centers with vendor-provided cloud services, they often fail to adjust their data cybersecurity accordingly. So says a new study from the SANS Institute, which…

Warning: Your Employees Have Your Sensitive Data in Their Cloud

Our last blog post alerted you to the dangers of combining employees who take technology for granted with a weak (or non-existent) BYOD policy. However, that’s not the only risk a tech-savvy workforce can pose to your data. A survey by cybersecurity vendor CipherCloud found that a jaw dropping 86 percent of cloud applications being used in the enterprise, from…

Transition to the Cloud with Microsoft’s Deployment Checklist

Businesses rely on cloud transformation for the stability and agility it offers to their operations. Microsoft 365 enables this transformation by realizing modern work environments where users are productive and secure while working from anywhere. Review the infographic and get started today with this 5-step deployment checklist. Learn how you can rapidly deploy Teams, secure access, provide employees with top-notch support, and then contact…

Tips for Secure Collaboration

These days, collaboration means cloud services, and that means paying attention to security, especially if you’re exchanging sensitive or confidential information. Look for a cloud services provider that has put a lot of thought into thinking about security and compliance. Click here for an 8-point checklist about ensuring secure collaboration and file sharing — check it out before you start your…

Low Visibility is a Cloud Security Hazard

If you want to protect your data in the cloud, you need to be able to see exactly who’s using it and how. But many companies can’t, according to a new report on cloud security. And that’s a problem. Look at these statistics: • 59% of respondents reported security incidents related to unwanted external sharing (for example, sharing a Google…

The First Step to Cloud Data Privacy

If the cloud’s efficiency and economies of scale appeal to you, but security concerns you, do your due diligence. Review the terms and conditions offered by every vendor for every service you’re considering. Read the fine print. Then dig deeper with detailed questions about security, privacy, and data management, as recommended by Intel’s CTO for cloud and security as a…

Strategic, Reliable, and Secure. Learn more about our services.

Don’t Let Your Cybersecurity Blow Away in the Cloud

Whether you use only one application in the cloud or you’ve shifted your entire infrastructure there, your security needs to cover your entire infrastructure — public, private, cloud-based, and traditional. But as companies mix on-site data centers with vendor-provided cloud services, they often fail to adjust their data cybersecurity accordingly. So says a new study from the SANS Institute, which…

Warning: Your Employees Have Your Sensitive Data in Their Cloud

Our last blog post alerted you to the dangers of combining employees who take technology for granted with a weak (or non-existent) BYOD policy. However, that’s not the only risk a tech-savvy workforce can pose to your data. A survey by cybersecurity vendor CipherCloud found that a jaw dropping 86 percent of cloud applications being used in the enterprise, from…