Home » The Importance of DEI in Building a Prosperous 100 Person IT Services Company

The Importance of DEI in Building a Prosperous 100 Person IT Services Company

By Anne Bisagno, President, Xantrion Inc.

It was such an enormous pleasure to be interviewed by Sarah Tenisi, CEO of TenisiTech.  It was a rare opportunity for us both as there’s simply not a lot of woman-owned IT companies which highlights the point of our conversation- the importance of implementing a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) program to further our companies’ growth and long-term success.  

Growing a business is extremely difficult for any business owner- so difficult it’s challenging to carve out the time to implement a meaningful DEI program. My motivation to do so was pretty simple. It’s common knowledge that diversity increases the probability of success, so not only is it the right thing to do, it makes business sense.

Statistics vary, but the technology industry has a lot of work to do on the DEI front. It was interesting to speak with Sarah regarding our separate but very similar company journeys and to share Xantrion’s DEI program approach.

How are you building a DEI strategy into your business?  

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